About Me

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Hi, My name is Stephanie, I am 20 years old and I attend the University of Calgary in Canada, hoping to become an Elementary School Teacher. I believe in Jesus Christ, knowing He has a plan for my life and I spend everyday reaching closer and closer to that plan. I created this blog as a way to push my ideas and thoughts out into the world through pictures, quotes, songs, videos, or personal experiences. I hope you stay and read some of my entries, enjoy! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I dont know how many people read my blog, I am sure there are a couple of you and I just wanted to apologize that I haven't written anything in a long time. I have midterms coming up and they have been taking up most of my time. :( I have a few ideas of topics to talk about when I get back, so keep checking back. :) Hope you all are having a nice day.

PS Leave a comment to my blogs as I would love to hear for you guys. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Past Thanksgiving and Future Thanksgiving.

Last year's Thanksgiving holidays was totally different. I was in such a dark place, I was being influenced in such a wrong way that lead to me many bad situations. I dont even remember this time last year, yes of course I remember what happened, how I felt, and what I was doing. But I dont remember who I was, or what goal I was heading towards.

This past year has been such a dramatic season of my life. This time last year I was deeply in love with my boyfriend, who I dont talk anymore today. I had bestfriends who I dont talk to anymore, and I now have friends that I didnt even know last year. I was running away from God last year and today I am running towards Him knowing that my strength comes from Him. I was kicked off of leadership this time last year, and now I am involved in so many areas of the church. I am a children's ministry leader, youth leader, and I volunteer at the school within my church. This time last year, I was planning a wedding, which clearly that isnt happening anymore.

So much has changed over this past year. I am a totally different person. I know who I am in Christ, I know exactly what God is calling me to do in life. and I have purpose in my life. I am so thankful for everything that has happening this past year, for my mentors that have directed me down the right path, for church leaders giving me a second chance at being leader, and a huge thanks to Mark. For if I didn't met him and date him for 5 years, I would have no idea what I want in a husband. He showed me to treasure my heart, and to guard it with everything I am because any boy can come along and destroy it. He also taught me how to truly love someone and how to let them go. Which I am sure this letting go process is more than just letting go, it is being more confident in yourself to actually let that special someone go. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me, and who has supported me my decision over this past year. I cant wait to see what this next year holds for me. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hotel Bible.

I am in Cranbrook BC to celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday / Thanksgiving weekend. I am Canadian, so Thanksgiving is in October. Anyways, My family and I are staying in a hotel room which is so much fun! I love hotels.

I went to go use the end table drawer for some of my stuff, and I saw a Bible in the drawer. It got me thinking, why is there a Bible in the drawer? Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world, but living in such a multi-cultural place such as Canada, I would of never thought that they still do this. I mean, its totally fine with me. I am Penecoastal Christian (you can google it if you want) and I was encouraged spiritually to reach out to those who are lost when I saw the Bible gently placed inside the drawer.

Christianity is the only religion that puts a gap between God and man, teaching that salvation is obtained through God's grace. While other religious teach that salvation is obtained through man effort. We live in a such a "do-it-yourself" world, that its hard to show people God's grace when you have be patience and wait on the Lord. Waiting on his good timing and perfect grace, however the waiting process can be long and tiring. Especially when we live a world that wants result right away, with no waiting. What happening when we teach girls to be strong, confident, independent women? What is that really teaching those young girls? In my experience, it teaches them to do everything yourself, dont rely on others to do the work that you can do by yourself. Be strong and trust in no one but yourself. However, through God's mercy and perfect timing, if we wait on Him and see what He has in store for us, we can do everything with His strength not just our own. Teaching those girls to be strong independent women is great for their self-esteem, but it teachings them to rely on themselves and to not bring concerns and problems to the Lord. Im not saying that you can teach girls be to strong, but teach them to be strong in the Lord.

In 2001 a poll was taken in Canada on who claimed to be Christian, well 77.1% of the 29+ million people claimed to be Christian. I say "claimed" because a lot of people are sunday Christians, meaning that they party friday night and worship God sunday morning. They live on the fence of the world and of God's plan for their life. When an individual lives on one side of the fence, whether it be the world or God's side, life goes by so much easier. However, living in God's divine path for your life is the most hardest but most rewarding roads you can walk down. It even says in the Bible that the road to destruction is smooth and wide but the road to salvation is rough and narrow. God will challenge you and keep pushing you past your comfort zone. Making you encounter different experiences even if you think you arent ready for them which brings me back to my first point, trust in God with everything you do and His strength will be added to you.

Bottom line, I am very happy to see a Bible in the drawer of my hotel room. It gives me hope that God is still reaching those that are lost in the world. Even if that one person was to read a verse, that one portion of scripture could change their lives forever. Thank you God!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This topic has been on my mind alot. YouTube.. the wonderful world of Zoe, or Internet Killed Television, or DudelikeHELLA, or Shaytards. all these wonderful channels have very wonderful people and make up a good chunk of my life. Every day I watch CTFxC or Shaytards and its something I look forward to all the time. Escaping into someone else life for 15 mins and being apart of their day. I would never have the patience, dedication, or motivation to make a video everyday. Tried that once, didn't work out to well. But here's my problem.

I have been with YouTube since 2007, I should be one of those higher end channels since I have been there since YouTube started to become popular, but because of lack of the proper software all my video's turn out to be crap. I have a 2007 macbook which has the oldest software. I edit on iMovie HD, which isnt HD at all but they like to brag. It sucks, I want to make these awesome videos, but I lack the proper software. Yes, I could get the software but by the end of it all I would of spent over $2000 for a new Macbook alone.

It is really discouraging, probably why I am end up Twitter, or Tumblr or even Blogger because I get so discourage by YouTube, which really I am discouraged at myself. I guess all I need to do is get a new laptop, and everything will be ok. Quick someone give $2000 to invest in good equipment.. please?


I am a server at a restaurant, I could tell you the name but that wont change the story.

I am 100% a child of God. I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my mind, soul, heart, and body. I surrender my life each and every day to have God use me for His will and purpose. I am a leader at the youth group involved within my church. I am a sunday school teacher with the children's ministry, and I also volunteer at the christian school located within the church. I am very involved and I don't hide it. At work when people ask me a question about God, I tell them straight up about how great He is. 

My co-workers understand that I am christian, however they are constantly making fun of me. Like my lifestyle is hindering them in some way. I know Hollywood has put this label on christians that we are these crazy people that try to "convert" you to believe in Jesus or some different god. But thats not the truth. I DO NOT judge others on how they live their lives. When people at work ask if I would like to go out to a club, I simply reject the offer and move on. I dont go on telling them how partying your life away will only end you up in hell. I dont judge them so that they dont judge me, or so I thought. They still judge me calling me weird names like Bible thumper, or Jesus freak. Yes I believe in God, but dont judge me on how I live my life because of the label movies have put on Christians.

There is this young girl that I work with and she gets beaten by her parents. I listen to what God was sharing with me about her, and I invite her to youth on wednesday explaining that we wont force her into anything religious, but just to hang out with some other individuals who have been in a similar situation as her. To give her comfort and support. In order for myself and my mentor to pray for her, we need her name. It makes prayer personal and directs what we are praying about to a certain person. So I text my other co-worker and ask him for her name. This particular co-worker is one that is consistently making fun of me because I am christian, so expecting some weird response from him I text him regardless, being prepared that he will say something "funny". I simply ask for her name and his first response is, "Your going to pray for her aren't you?" I respond with a yes and I got back the strangest answer, he replied with, "Im not joking around, is this something you always do?" I was shocked, he was actually curious about it. Actually wanting to talk about it instead of making some stupid joke. 

It got me thinking, why do people act a certain way in a certain environment? is it a lack of character? do they mold to their surroundings? I, myself, act that same every where I go. Its not like while I'm at work, I curse all the time and flirt with everyone I see. No, that would be a lack of character. At work, I act how I act at church and how I act with my friends while going out to see a movie. Do I act the same in every environment I am in because I have Jesus Christ living inside of me? or maybe its because I know who I am and I'm not afraid to show the real me? 

If anyone out there is reading this, please comment your thoughts. I would be very curious to read anything you have to say. :)